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Three-dimensional photoionisation modelling of the hydrogen-deficient knots in the planetary nebula Abell 30

机译:氢缺乏的三维光电离模拟   行星状星云阿贝尔30中的结



We have constructed a photoionization model, using the 3-D Monte Carlo codeMOCASSIN for one of the hydrogen-deficient knots (J3) of the born-againplanetary nebula Abell 30. The model consists of spherical knots, comprising acold, dense, hydrogen-deficient core with very high metal abundances. The innercore is surrounded by a less dense hydrogen-deficient and metal-enriched gasenvelope, with less extreme abundances. The envelope of the knot might havebeen formed by the mixing of the knot material with the surrounding nebulargas. This bi-chemistry, bi-density model did not produce enough heating tomatch the fluxes of the collisionally excited emission lines (CELs) and of theoptical recombination lines (ORLs) observed in the spectrum of the knot. Wetherefore included heating by photoelectric emission from dust grains in thethermal equilibrium calculations, and found that dust-to-gas ratios of 0.077and 0.107 by mass for the central core and the envelope of the knot,respectively, are sufficient to fit the spectrum. Surprisingly, photoelectricemission from grains is the dominant source of heating in the hot envelope ofthe knot, while heating by photoionization of helium and heavy elementsdominates in the cold core. The chemical abundances inferred from our modellingindicate, in agreement with the empirical analysis of Wesson et al. (2003),that the C/O ratio in the two regions of the knot is less than unity, contraryto theoretical predictions for born-again nebulae.
机译:我们使用3-D蒙特卡罗代码MOCASSIN构造了一个电离模型,该模型用于出生的反行星状星云Abell 30的一个缺氢结(J3)。该模型由球形结组成,包括结点,稠密,缺氢核心具有很高的金属丰度。内芯被密度较小的氢缺乏和金属富集的气体包络所包围,且极少的丰度。结的包络可能已经通过将结材料与周围的星云气体混合而形成。这种双化学,双密度模型没有产生足够的热量来匹配在结的光谱中观察到的碰撞激发发射线(CEL)和光学复合线(ORL)的通量。因此,在热平衡计算中将尘埃颗粒的光电发射热量包括在内,发现对于结的中心核和包壳,尘埃/气体的质量比分别为0.077和0.107,足以满足光谱要求。出人意料的是,来自晶粒的光电发射是结的热包壳中的主要加热源,而氦和重元素的光电离加热则是冷核中的主要加热源。从我们的模型指示推断出的化学丰度与Wesson等人的经验分析一致。 (2003),结的两个区域的C / O比小于1,这与重生的星云的理论预测相反。



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